hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

First day of First grade...

Lauren and Chloe survived the first day yesterday! Lauren had a little excitement when she left her backpack in Cody's car , luckily he saw it and delivered it. She was concerned she might have to eat a corndog and chimis for lunch-whatever that is?! Their teacher Ms. Gill seemed nice when we met her, she looked a bit frazzled at the end of the day, with good reason I suspect! Lauren wanted me to buy the old-fashioned foam curlers for her hair. I thought it turned out so cute, too bad we can't do it everyday. I guess we could...but... Already only the second day of school and we are rushing through breakfast. It has been hard for all of us adjusting to the earlier hour. Not that we sleep in too late during the summer, we just like to take our time making and eating breakfast, maybe reading while we eat, just a lazy morning, I'm missing that. But a routine will be nice, just give us a another week or so. It's new having them gone all day, Noah napped 3 hours yesterday and I got dinner made, bathrooms cleaned, some sewing and wash done. I've forgotten how productive I can be when I'm not interrupted all the time! Not that I mind, I miss having lunch with them and their questions. I guess Ms. Gill will enjoy the thousand question days now!


words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made