hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

more Noah...

Two totally unrelated pictures I know. Is that a guilty face or what, this is what Noah found to do after he woke up from a nap while I was teaching a lesson, at least it didn't involve liquid of any kind AND kept him quiet. I should get those bags out more often! He also got his first haircut this week. Amazing, I remember L and C were nearly two before I cut theirs. He'll probably get Cody's thick hair- why can't the girls ever get it!? Cody took the clippers and just buzzed off that little strip down the middle, this is the 'before' picture and I couldn't get a good 'after' one, but unless you spend a lot of time looking at his head, which I think I may, it's hard to see too much of a difference. He was great with the clippers, he got a kick out the vibration against his head I think. So many firsts happening still in his life, it's fun!


Melissa June 11, 2007 at 3:49 PM  

Hey, Tanya I finally found your site. IT's GREAT I love it. Come check out my meager part of the net i'm at wifeyplu5.blogspot.com
Who knew we were talking about the same place at breakfast the other morning. (I didn't give the correct place) have a great day!

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made