hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

Oh, why do I do this...

When I got on the computer tonight, here I see Cody has typed in several different dog breeds and researched them. Then comes the rush of guilt, pity, and regret. Cody and I are SO compatible in so many areas of our marriage, sadly though, animals-particularly dogs-not being one of them. He's desperately wanted one since our first anniversary when we settled on some mice in our apartment, as pets that is. We do have a cat now, but he's always grown up with and had dogs around IN THE HOUSE. Me, well, I prefer animals out of doors, but what kind of bonding can happen when you quickly feed and pet your dog and run back inside where it's warm??
So tonight, our neighbors small poodlish dog escaped into our yard and the girls were out playing with him for a long time. And as I watched from the window, I thought, "I could do this, we could get a dog, for the kids and Cody, they need one." A sort of dog pep talk to myself I guess. Then I tell Cody about it, maybe for Christmas, what kind should we look at? Get him all riled up and excited once again. I really should keep my thoughts to myself until I'm absolutely sure. When I was pregnant with Noah we had two trial runs with two dogs and I just couldn't cope. I don't know what-if anything- has changed. I have issues with messes and mostly hair. I hate pet hair all over my furniture and clothing. And messes, sorry, that just ruins your carpet! So, do I bite the bullet and just go for it again and possibly disappoint with my uptight ways or just find a really friendly and cute hamster? I wish I could change, but it's super hard for me to fell o.k. with it. Here's the requirements:
1-somewhat small, but big enough to run with Cody
2-short hair, but absolutely no shedding allowed :)
3-friendly with kids, but not so energetic as to bowl them right to the ground
4-never pees anywhere but the back right corner of the yard
5-never barks or howls when we leave
6-no jumping on the furniture, however outdated it may be!
This list is a bit in jest, Cody tells me once I bond with one, I can tolerate more. Maybe that's true. I do love my kids a lot and they jump on the furniture and have been known to soil a few spots on the floor. Any breed suggestions? My bet's on the furry hamster :)
(pics are of two breeds we both kind of like- boston terrier and a weimaraner)


Melissa November 5, 2007 at 10:16 AM  

Tanya, I'm not sure about that whole list, but there are a few things that help. You can get abreed of dog that does not shed. As I understand it there is only 1 kind that doesn't at all. (that isn't hairless) ther rest are just low shedders. But this dog is not a very big dog. But they are peppy. Also, there is a kind of spray that you put on your lawn that will make the dog only pee in that area. Until they are trained. This spray cannot be smelled my humans:)!! You can also not go with a puppy so they are already pottie trained to go outside. Good luck. I myself have not been able to handle a dog. We to had one that we had to get rid of. Even though I think when the kids are gone I will probably get one. Good luck!!

idahohubers November 5, 2007 at 8:46 PM  

If we ever get a large pet it will be a dog. Jake is the utimate anti pet man. But I really like dogs. It will take years to wear him down (for ANY pet). So for now I'm not too anxious to get one. My sis in law breeds yellow labs... sooo cute, but they chew things. They are great with kids though. Good luck!

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made