hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

I'm on a mission....

to find this movie- God Grew Tired of Us. These kind of documentaries really resonate with me for some reason. It just puts my life into perspective and lets me take a peek outside of my little world, which I need, love, and enjoy. I'm hoping the public library will take interest and submit my request because I can't find it here at any video rental stores. We have so much to be thankful for, we have no idea. How can I be irritated my fridge leaks water every three days when there are people who don't even know what one is? Wow. Has anyone seen this show?


Melissa November 10, 2007 at 4:34 PM  

We use Netflix and this movie is on my queue. I should be receiving it soon. Are you interested in seeing it? Also, have you seen the other movie. The LOst BOYS? It also deals with these Sudanese boys, and their plight. Very heart wrenching.

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made