hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

got beaters?

Hee, hee, do you like that picture of the beater lodged in my cabinet hinge? I kind of did. My visiting teaching partner asked me today if I noticed a lot of differences between girls and boys, and maybe it was because we were saturated with all things girl. But it's been entertaining for me to notice the differences. Last night Noah took all the beaters from my mixer (beater-s- only plural because I am hard on mixers and have owned more than my fair share) and he wasn't succeeding in actually getting them in the mixer so he randomly poked them in all the hinges, quite creative I say. Can't say that L or C ever enjoyed themselves with a mixer as much as he does. But, he also has that tender side that loves to sit with me at the piano and sing songs, cuddle, give and get kisses. It's so endearing, the perfect balance, no wonder little boys are so precious.

On another unrelated note, I came across a friend who is trying to read all the Newbery Medal winning books from about 1922, sounds interesting to me. I might have to check a few out. Always need a good read in the wintertime. Although, I've been having WAY too much fun making jewelry for gifts. It's hard for me to just dabble in something, it seems I have to get completely involved, I have and it's great fun. Whenever I make something I like I usually end up keeping it and making a second for a gift! Maybe that's why I like it so much, ha ha! Wishing everyone a very thankful and fun Thanksgiving weekend. Mmm, looking forward to leftovers!


words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made