hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

life weighs heavily upon you...

when you're a mere six years old. When I put Lauren and Chloe to bed at night, the cogs in their brains start turning faster rather than winding down it seems. Tonight they had tons of questions about heaven. Were they going to make it? A friend at school had told them if they weren't members of her church they wouldn't go to heaven?! Crazy, so without launching into too much I tried to explain how Heavenly Father loves ALL his children ALL throughout the world in ALL churches. I don't want them worrying about arriving in heaven just yet. Seems we have enough to do right here on earth to me! I want them to know how much they are loved by God and feel that love daily and not just focus on the logistics of getting to heaven. Wow, deep stuff. This little friend is something else, she really has a testimony of what she believes in.
So in the middle of our baked potatoes and chicken Cody and I get this inquiry-
"So, which finger is the bad finger Mom?"
"Um, all your fingers are good aren't they?"
"Yeah, but some kids at school talk about a bad finger."
So I deferred to Cody and let him have a try at explaining that one. He did great. (How glad I am he can answer the ones like "Where do rainbows come from?" My science is rusty.) I just added that 'flipping someone off' is never appropriate and should never be done. At least they know. Somewhere in the back of every parents mind I think though is that tiny little worry that now that they know whatever-swear words, bad fingers etc.... the knowledge will resurface at an inopportune time. Hopefully not, here's where trust comes in I suppose!
My favorite question today was "Do you like being a mom, Mom?" This questions always pops up at odd times. It seems they need to have this answer re-affirmed when I'm in the middle of something less than desirable-like tonight-picking up bits of food off the kitchen floor. In other words, "How can you enjoy wiping up all the messes, changing diapers and all the other less than glorious tasks that accompany motherhood?" Well, I always have to remind them of the merits and wonderful blessings that are mine as a mother. Not always-o.k. never- a glamorous job but oh, so worth it in so many ways. So, yes, I do love being a Mom. I have to say though the questions are getting harder.


landon November 19, 2007 at 3:02 PM  

Thanks for keeping this wonderful blog up Tan! I love to read about what's going on with your family, and it always gets me excited for the time when Lina and I will have kids!

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made