hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

all in a day's work...

So I must say, I love being pregnant and nursing just for the fact that my hormones finally feel balanced and all in order. But now I'm back to myself and the past couple days have been emotionally rough. Lots of random crying and angry outbursts, (yikes! says my family) Today just kind of took me over the edge. Chloe came upstairs to lunch with her hair combed and pulled back-amazing, amazing and...odd. She was heading out to a movie with Cody and Lauren so I re-combed her hair. Oh wow, she had cut about a 2 inch section right in the front, down to-oh maybe a 1/4 inch!!!!!!!! I don't know what she was thinking, we had just talked about growing out her bangs, maybe this was a quick fix in her six year old mind, "heck, why grow them out, I'll just get rid of them altogether." And of course, Murphy's Law in action yet again- we have some pictures scheduled to be taken tomorrow morning. I can hardly wait until the patch is 1 inch long and stubbornly poking straight up, argh. Lauren cut nearly the same patch on her head about 4 months ago. I mistakenly thought we were in the clear for cutting our own hair, but apparently not.
Later today, I was patching some clothing, obviously off in my own little world. Noah came into the sewing room and pulled the hot iron down onto his arm. Luckily I was standing back to back with him and quickly grabbed it. Could have been so much worse, it left a moon-shaped burn in the crook of his arm. Poor little man, I felt terrible. If the guy wasn't so into cords and all things that plug in. If I had just draped the cord up onto the counter like I usually do. If, If, If..... Later he kept wandering in, making all kinds of noises and pointing at the iron, I think it left an impression, gives him a whole new meaning to the word 'hot'.
So here's to a better day tomorrow, a true Monday today :)


idahohubers July 16, 2007 at 11:23 PM  

Sounds like a rough day! I hope Tuesday is haircut and burn free. Funny story - tonight I watched 1/3 of Mulan with Benjamin and teared up 3 times! Seriously, I better not be pregnant :-)

Melissa July 17, 2007 at 7:33 AM  

I too understand your day, hopefully it gets better this week. I think that sometimes we women have it tough -hormonily (sp?) anyway, you could always plan for the next one!!! :)

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made