hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

just a short vent...

My goodness, what a yard! Before we bought this home it was a rental for quite a few years, and the yard was completely neglected. It was in need of a serious overhaul, which we have been attempting. On Tuesday Cody pulled out ten shrub and bush root balls with this strap and a truck. It was a real rush for me to see those things pop out of the ground. I hate those overgrown, bushy, scratchy, spider-loving shrubs, they had to go. Seriously though, who thinks planting trees three feet apart in your backyard is a good idea?! We've pulled out, sawed down, and trimmed up a lot. It seems everyone who passed through the home each added their own random tree. And furthermore, look above at my "flower bed," they dumped rocks in as a sort of ground cover I suppose. So I'm pulling all of them out,
it does look much better today, I'm making progress, it's a slow and monotonous job. Don't even get me started on our multi-color fence....
Really, I am glad for a yard, what I wouldn't have given for one when Lauren and Chloe were about two. It's a work in progress, like so many things.


landon May 7, 2007 at 2:07 AM  

Lina and I have been doting over some tomatoes that we've watched grow from little seeds to some serious plants about to bear fruit. They sit out on our little patio, and we are (exceedingly?) invested in their progress for some reason.

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made