hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

a mid- move sugar fix...

While I should be blogging less, it's the opposite. I think all the cardboard boxes in my garage full of everything else I enjoy have something to do with that...

Ah, the kitchen, the heart of the home. It's always the last thing that can be packed I guess. Today while digging out some items I rarely use (glass candlestick holders and the like) I discovered chocolate and candy canes obviously from Christmas 08. I'm quite sure that's a household record for longest surviving chocolate.

I've discovered while packing that the kind of person I thought I was and the kind that I actually AM are indeed two different people. I always thought I wasn't one to hold onto unnecessary junk, but have made many trips to D.I. purging this home of stuff we can definitely do without. I'm going blame children just a bit here- they accumulate a lot of needless 'stuff' we'll call it. I've been accused of labeling things junk that apparently are not! I do have a confession though. While I do like my kitchen clean and I rarely go to bed without the dishes done, a peek inside the cupboards and drawers might be scary. My plastic container lid drawer will probably always look like this. Messy. I must have pulled out about 573 small bulk spice bags from Winco buried in my corner cabinet yesterday. You never know when you might run out of pumpkin pie spice right? I think my problem is that by the time food is prepared, served, and cleaned up after I just want to get out of the kitchen and on with my day, not organize or tidy up the unseen spots. I vow to do better...maybe... It was a nice surprise finding chocolate :)


Kristy August 6, 2009 at 5:35 PM  

The 573 spice bags from Winco made me laugh. I think I have about that many too. Good luck with your move, Tanya!I hope your house sells soon, and I am glad you found some chocolate :) Your kids are so cute. Fun pictures.

Anonymous August 8, 2009 at 5:00 PM  

How Funny! I think I gave that candy bar to you, because it is my FAVE! Glad it surfaced at a time in need. :) I've been thinking about you like crazy! One more week!! Hope the moving and such is going well. I've thought many times about coming up to help, but really think I'd end up being more of a pain than help bringing up two kids? I'd be happy to though if you think it would help! The house is coming along very nicely and I think you'll be delighted with all the changes. The boys are doing a great job. Anyway... good luck with everything!!


Ball of Fire August 10, 2009 at 1:08 PM  

dont be so hard on yourself....my philosophy is if you can open your door to friends and neighbors and not be embarassed your doing well...none of us will ever see the dreaded "lid drawer"....we all have one.

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made