hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

dog days of summer...

Every time we passed the huge fountain at Tautphaus park we would see people out splashing around and the begging would start- can we pleeeease stop Mom? So today I boycotted all boxes waiting to be packed and we took a picnic there. I was finishing feeding Ivy and the girls were yelling for me to come closer. I kept wondering why they weren't playing in the water. Well, turns out there are two signs posted- Do NOT play in the fountain. WHAT- what exactly is it's purpose then? I think it's design just screams "step in me." Oh well, I let the kids wade a little bit, but the DANGER- High Voltage sign had me a bit freaked out. Kind of a disappointment, but there was good eating, laughing, and pictures so the trip was not in vain. And we all did need a day out of our hot, empty, still for sale house- Mom included :)


words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made