hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

welcome October...

Happy fall, happy halloween, happy conference weekend. The girls have been out of school since Thursday and it's been enough days that we're almost all back to sleeping in, good thing school starts tomorrow! It's been nice to have them home, although they have needed something to keep them busy. Every year we go through the same issue. Lauren and Chloe would love to have a yard with tons of holiday decor for EVERY season of the year, me, not so much. We found a few fun crafts to do that I thought actually look cute. I know where they get there craft itchy though, so I can't complain too much, plus it's always fun once we get going. They still want to do a witch out front on the tree, we'll keep you posted.

I took less than 10 pictures in September, how pathetic. The camera didn't have batteries and I was seriously too busy to even worry about it. Our basement has been upgraded to "functioning" status. The first night we all rolled around on the new carpet like pigs in mud. It's been wonderful. The girls are back in their rooms and just a few details are left here and there to truly finish it. I feel like it's such a race against the clock, or this baby's clock! We pulled up carpet in the baby's room and will finish painting baseboards and getting a nice rug on the hardwood. Noah finally has a bed and he loves it. At bedtime after reading he says, "cuddle me Mom." Man, melting my heart like butter! That little guy is sweet.

I really loved what Pres. Monson was saying this morning, loving your children and all their messes because they grow so quickly. I see that just a little bit already in my life, eight years has flown by. I laughed and then felt kind of shocked when he talked of the elusive time of life when we can do whatever we want, it may never come :) I sometimes think how nice that will be, but as I look around me at people from all stages of life I realize that no matter what age or stage you're in, life is just plain busy in different ways. So I guess the challenge is to find a little bit of time now and then when we can do whatever we want, or life will march on and will be over before we know it. Good stuff in conference this weekend. I appreciate a refreshing weekend, home, with family, no church :) and uplifting messages. More later, hopefully not so much later...


Anonymous October 5, 2008 at 8:55 PM  

I haven't left a comment for such a long, long time. I always get a lump in my throat when I see the pictures and the changes in my grandchildren. They are growing and moving ahead in new directions each day. I feel so honored to share their lives as a grandmother. I'm very grateful for each of you in the Hansen home!! Excited for Saturday!!! Love you all muchly,

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made