hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

fire and wedding gifts...

That title got your attention right? I guess it's time to end your sewing session when your iron starts sparking and the cord falls off in your hand. I've had issues with this iron for awhile now, it's burned a few holes in several pieces of fabric so I wasn't too sorry to see it croak. They-whomever they are- say deaths happen in threes. The first to go was my tea kettle last week. Every morning I brew a big pot of pregnancy tea to sip on all morning. Had Noah not lost my whistle I would have heard it when I went downstairs to paint. TWO hours later the phone rings and for once I decide to race-as fast as my pregnant belly can- upstairs to answer it. (It's always a toss-up, an important call or another "who are you voting for this election," blah.) It was a counselor in our R.S. Pres. Luckily nothing worse than "Oh crap!" came out since she and Noah were hearing my discovery. Poor little thing, I couldn't detach it from the burner. The whole conglomeration went into the trash. I'm now the proud owner of the shiny kettle you see here, with a built in whistle I might add for us multi-tasking folks who forget we're brewing tea.

The second mishap was also just not paying attention. After making a delish peach pie which leaked all over the bottom of the oven and then not cleaning it up and turning on the oven and cooking the burned remains a second time, I reached inside to lift up the hot coil??!! (mental lapse) with a hot pad of course and completely burned the pad. Noah screamed "fire" and I quickly dunked it into the sink. Very disturbed, he wouldn't even touch the torched thing.
And then this morning, he again had to see the iron incident and has been telling and re-telling how the iron "shoots fire." Hope I haven't scarred the guy.

And how all this relates to wedding presents... Cody and I registered at a local small town furniture/appliance store. Among our gifts were this $10 iron. I could wax sentimental and think about all the cute dresses and other things made with it's help, but I'm just mostly glad I can get a new one now! Anyway after nine years we finally got a new TV stand last week also. I thought I might try to re-purpose it somehow as a night stand for Chloe, but at that point I just wanted to see it gone, terrible I know. It got me thinking of all the gifts that have come and gone sooner that others. Our can opener for instance, died the first month. Is that a bad omen for your marriage? I've been through several mixers and blenders also, maybe I'm just a brutal cook, or are things just not made like they used to be? I do know where my mentality stems from however, and that is my childhood. My Dad, bless his mechanical skills, was able to fix anything. I grew up using my parents green wedding mixer, a wired together toaster and an old yellow can opener. When each one died the phrase, "Didn't we get that for our wedding?" always seemed to follow. So I knew my parents had either been married a super long time, or the long life of small household appliances was somehow equated with a successful marriage. Well, Cody and I bombed out in that aspect, but I think our marriage is successful regardless! So here's to using it up, wearing it out, but hopefully not burning it up!


Kristy October 9, 2008 at 4:01 PM  

We have also already gone through lots of our wedding gifts! So I agree, things are not made like they used to be...my parents still use their first blender! What's wrong with mine!! Poor traumatized Noah, that made me laugh! Good for you on getting new furniture, you house is looking soooo good! And I love the pics of your girls looking over the ledge with their Halloween crafts. So cute!

idahohubers October 9, 2008 at 5:30 PM  

Tanya, you are cracking me up! The way you write about the everyday is so amusing and fun. Good thing there were no big fires! The kettle is beautiful too.

Steve O'Connor & Shay Yost October 10, 2008 at 3:22 PM  

Great stories, sounds like it'd be fun to a fly on your wall! So i did the same thing to Steve's stove top, i was boiling potatoes and forgot, he came home to a house of smoke, burnt potatoes, and a pan that wouldn't budge off the stove! Oops!!
Guess it's proof that we're sisters!
Love ya!

Jeff and Angela Boyle October 12, 2008 at 4:29 PM  

that is great! not the fact that you are ruining things, but that now we know we aren't the only ones!! thanks for the stories - it made me laugh. Hope all is well with the pregnancy.

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made