hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...


Yesterday was supposed to find Cody and I at our childbirth "refresher" class, but two women went into labor-the nerve- so it was canceled. My Mom was already in route to babysit so instead we all had lunch and then we girls went to the mall and boys went home to nap :)
I'm not too much of a mall-girl, I just get my business done and leave, but it was fun to mess around since it had been so long. We passed Claire's and the girls were again begging to get their ears pierced. We'd discussed it earlier, but the topic always seemed to not be brought up again and life went on. But this time I thought it might be time, good timing too since Noah was home, since we waited in line forever. They both said it hurt worse than they'd expected. I believe Chloe's words were "it hurt like your ears were being cut open." Such drama. Such drama.
It was just another one of those moments when as a mother I saw them grow up just a little bit more before my eyes. Like their first official haircut when they were 2, or seeing them chat on the phone with a friend. It's exciting and hard to take all at the same time. The bottom two pics are cell phone pics, (thanks Mom!)
That night we went to the symphony which performed Saint-Saen's Carnival of the Animals. I love that they're old enough to go with me and that we have a symphony here in town. Thanks for the fun memories Lauren and Chloe!


idahohubers October 12, 2008 at 11:42 PM  

They did it!!! How fun. I wanted it to be this way for my girls but I couldn't wait. maybe if they grow in I'll get to see them re-do it at 7. I really wish I could tell your girls apart! I saw Lauren at church and she had to tell me it was her. I need to sit and stare at them until I get it down! Now maybe the earings will help me - at least for a month!

I can't believe how close you are to baby 4! Exciting times ahead for you guys.

Melissa October 13, 2008 at 8:33 AM  

How exciting!, My girls will be absolutly green with Envy. Brynlee can get hers done in December (she'll be 12) And JAde, I think, will be literally counting down the days!

Sweet Pea October 13, 2008 at 8:35 AM  

Fun!! I remember BEGGING my mom forever to get my ears pierced when I was there age... alas when I was twelve I got them piereced, wore then for 3 weeks, and then took them out and never put them back in till this year when I got them re-pierced! The girls are so darn cute. How are you feeling personally? Just a couple of weeks away right??? I'm excited we'll be closer so we can come see you right away! I sure love you and good luck with everything in these next couple of weeks! If you need anything... please just let me know!! (I could even take the girls and Noah for a sleep over sometime! if you want a night or two alone after the babe comes!)

Andi October 14, 2008 at 7:06 PM  

That's so fun - congrats to the girls! I was such a happy-freak new mom, I had Emma's pierced when she was 3 months old. I know, mean, huh? But they were soooo cute, until she was about two and wouldn't leave them in. Oh well, now they have totally closed up, so maybe I can have the earring date with my girls one of these days. :)

Steve O'Connor & Shay Yost October 16, 2008 at 7:26 PM  

How exciting for L&C!! Wish i could've been there... they're getting older that's for sure! How cute!
What's the baby count down?? You feeling good?
Love you!

Anonymous October 18, 2008 at 9:31 PM  

Those cell phone pictures turned out better than I thought they would....of course they would be cute with those two in them! That was such an enjoyable day with all of you! love,Grandma

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made