hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...


Ah, you know spring has arrived when the bikes come out and Conference weekend arrives. In the case of this year, the bikes were pulled out of the snow. And wow, had L & C grown since the last ride in fall of last year. New bikes were definitely in order. My thinking is that until kids learn to ride without crashing every other time, thrift store bikes are your best friend. Since the girls are great riders now we got them nice, new bikes. I felt a little bad, just because it was the first bike they've had with a kickstand. Yeah, those other bikes were in rough shape. Maybe another learner can grab them from DI and crash them a few more times :) Back are the days of chasing around the block. I have two perfect little tricycles from the good ole days, I just couldn't bear to part with them, I really wasn't thinking twin girls again! They are a bit on the girly side, but Noah couldn't have cared less. It's now "my bike," he didn't even let the princess bell on it scare him away, that's my boy. So until he cares, maybe I can get away with it.
I especially enjoyed conference weekend. I almost hate to say that it's nice to have a break from church, but, let's be honest, it's nice to have a break from rushing out the door and calling responsibilities. Plus, so many talks resonated with me. Here are a few pictures. The kids were enjoying a tea party in the other room so we cranked up the volume and they insisted they were listening. I printed some activities that seemed to really keep them involved. I appreciate whoever put those packets together.
Well, here's to a new week, feeling uplifted and refreshed!


words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made