hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...


Having way too much fun printing out Valentine freebies this afternoon. They are so adorable (I think) I had to share.

I love the look of these treat bags. Get the brownie bag here and the floral design here. Note: If you are a relative of mine and live in Bancroft I just spoiled your surprise, sorry :)

And lastly, "cardvelopes." Just print, trim, write your message and fold. Perfect for little love notes to family.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Kristy February 5, 2010 at 12:14 PM  

I looked and looked FOR-EV-ER (seriously) yesterday for some cute printable valentines and...nothing! Lots of weird stuff, or ugly. So I'm so excited to see this on your blog today. Thanks!

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made