hansen happenings

...random thoughts from our lives...

bits of life...

It's probably not terribly appetizing to show you our yummy gnocchi supper last night followed by a picture of Ivy bathing, but that's what you get today!
I love to try new foods and dishes and it makes it even better when the family LIKES the new dish, which was the case here. I'm not sure where to find gnocchi here in Idaho Falls, maybe we'll have to try making some, either way, a big thanks to Lina and Lans for the yummy idea and recipe.
It was a hit!

Those smiles in the tub are hard to catch, Ivy usually cries getting in and then getting out, that cold air I guess. Once she's in though it's enjoyable for all. I always look forward to when my babes can bathe in the 'real' tub. You'd think after three kids I'd have these infant tubs figured out, but I'm not a big fan. I can hardly believe she's two months old, I realized how much she's really grown seeing a newborn at church yesterday, wow, the first year is incredible.

And a huge hooray for Noah who is potty-trained! He was so much easier than the girls, I'm sure being that he was just one rather than two, but he really took the initiative, which I didn't expect.
Well, just a few tidbits, blogging has been a bit slow, just too many other things... have a great day!


Andi January 13, 2009 at 2:07 PM  

I hate those miserable infant tubs, too. Do you ever find yourself putting off bath time just because you don't want to fight with the tub? I do!
The gnocchi looks yummy!

Melissa January 19, 2009 at 9:14 AM  

YES, YES, YES!!! I put off bath time all the time so I won't have to fight that miserable tub! I should love it I guess, but not so much. Although, I'm with you Tanya, during bath isn't so bad, I think it's the prep and the clean up that's not so great! Ivy's a cutie pie.

anilokin January 19, 2009 at 7:48 PM  

I'm so glad you guys liked the gnochi (good thing i am not required to know how to spell it in order to eat it all the time :). I wouldn't be surprised if Safeway had them (they sometimes come frozen).

I'll keep in mind the thing about infant tubs. Though, is there an alternative, really?

words we love...

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

the hansens

the hansens





stuff I've made