Take this creativity quiz, I fall into the 'Hands On' category which was surprisingly accurate. How about you?
need to waste 3 minutes?
more winter...
I'm trying to feel happy about the snow, after the holidays I'm ready for spring, walks outside, and gardens. But, being a farmer's daughter I'm always glad for anything wet. The kidlets are outside making massive snowmen as I write. While waiting to pick them up at school I witnessed several boys "snowman tipping." (Maybe I just made that up :) I thought it was a bit comical until the girls got into the van. Lauren and Chloe were disgusted and appalled since all three second grades had helped make two huge ones and the duties were protecting them from being knocked over during recess. (What would I have done with twin boys?! Surely they would have been part of the tipping rather than building...I digress) I assured them, their snowmen were safe in our yard. Plus, I could not believe there had been no snow pictures yet this season, it's time I suppose. Can't wait until Ivy is big enough to join us, I admit I still do like to make snowmen. Not much of a skier or snowboarder, but I do make good snowpeople!
So glad for the little things this week-
-Ivy only waking once at night- ahh those precious zzz's
-a new President! I caught part of the Inauguration events.
-seven Etsy shop sales this month, dusting off the trusty Bernina
-a long weekend with Cody and the kids home
-working out twice- and WOW-feelin' out of shape-these big brown eyes
I guess you have to look at the good things, just now I hear the girls bickering. Those good moments come and go so fast! Happy weekend!
bits of life...
It's probably not terribly appetizing to show you our yummy gnocchi supper last night followed by a picture of Ivy bathing, but that's what you get today!
I love to try new foods and dishes and it makes it even better when the family LIKES the new dish, which was the case here. I'm not sure where to find gnocchi here in Idaho Falls, maybe we'll have to try making some, either way, a big thanks to Lina and Lans for the yummy idea and recipe.
It was a hit!
Those smiles in the tub are hard to catch, Ivy usually cries getting in and then getting out, that cold air I guess. Once she's in though it's enjoyable for all. I always look forward to when my babes can bathe in the 'real' tub. You'd think after three kids I'd have these infant tubs figured out, but I'm not a big fan. I can hardly believe she's two months old, I realized how much she's really grown seeing a newborn at church yesterday, wow, the first year is incredible.
And a huge hooray for Noah who is potty-trained! He was so much easier than the girls, I'm sure being that he was just one rather than two, but he really took the initiative, which I didn't expect.
Well, just a few tidbits, blogging has been a bit slow, just too many other things... have a great day!
The past month in a word- whew! It was full of fun, busyness, and big events for our family. First off this little shot of Ivy smiling, I tell you, I've never had a kid who smiled so readily or so soon. When well rested and fed she's so fun to make faces at. Lauren probably gets the most smiles from her, although just tonight she gave a a few giggles to Cody, so adorable. Seeing this picture I can forgive her for nights where she's up every couple hours, almost. :) She still sleeps best in my arms or the pouch as Noah calls it. "No Mom, don't wear the pouch, put Ivy in her bed!" He knows there's no rough boy play when the pouch is in place, and he does love to wrestle and get wild. Thank goodness for Dads who can take the abuse right?Christmas was so much fun here. Cody redeemed us after I spilled the beans about Santa last year- what's a Mom to do? Anyway, the girls were believing again in Santa this year. Mainly because of some silly website Cody found Christmas Eve that tracks where in the world Santa has been spotted. If it's on the internet it must be true I'm sure. It's funny how I'm always surprised at what I think their favorite gift will be and then what it actually is. The girls have been playing a lot with their digital pets and cameras. The Wii has been a big hit too, don't think Cody could survive without some gaming system around. I'm still pretty inept at video games, but maybe I'll get there. The girls have him to thank for their abilities there!
Yesterday Lauren and Chloe were baptized and confirmed. It was such a beautiful morning. We just had a small crowd with family. I knew I'd be emotional about the whole affair and I was. Chloe said the night before that she didn't feel as excited as she should and I was suggesting she might feel more of a quiet and calm excitement rather than I-won-a-million-bucks excitement. But when they were changing into the white clothing she started jumping up and down telling me how excited she was. We have a new stake presidency and they did a great job. The president even retrieved some batteries from his truck for me for our dying camera. Sometimes it's hard to pull it all together and get out the door with everything I need, any moms relate?! As I went back to help them change into their white dresses I was overcome with thankfulness, for the choice they made, for the beautiful, helpful, kind daughters they've become, and mostly that I'm their Mom and have the opportunity to share all their milestones with them. My hope is that one day I'll be helping them change into their white dresses at the temple when they're married. But that can wait, they're already growing up so fast. I'm so proud of each of them!
So I think I'm ready to kick off a new year, thinking of some resolutions, trying to keep it simple and doable. Happy 2009 to you and your families!