After four changes of clothing, one very muddy fall, and one shower later, Lauren and Chloe finally decided it was too wet to play outside today. In my defense I went to the library this week and came home with several good books to hold their interest for a while. But coming into the room I hear Lauren quizzing Chloe.
"Would you rather be a small business owner with a suit that maximized cleavage, or a retired dental hygienist with a suit that minimized your hips?"
Tough call. The words cleavage and hygienist were mispronounced and I called her on it. "Do you know what cleavage is?" "No, should I Mom?" Maybe, maybe not, not today at least. Quit reading about swimsuits that flatter middle-aged women and go outside.
Summer time boredom... :)
July 2010 p. 136
Posted by
Hansen family
Thursday, June 10, 2010
This is so funny! I love your posts Tanya. It also makes me feel good that I am not the only mom who lets my children get good and muddy once in a while...okay, maybe more than once in a while.
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